Sure Fire Fireplaces is a Proud

Heat & Glo Dealer

Locally Manufacturered

In Vancouver

Dynamic Range of

Options for Everyone

Extreme Focus on

Environmental Impact

Heat & Glo for Everyone

Sure Fire Fireplaces

Why Heat & Glo

Heat & Glo stands at the forefront of fireplace design, committed to innovation and environmental responsibility. Their offerings range from efficient wood-burning fireplaces that bring warmth and ambiance to any cabin to sleek, 3-sided electric and gas fireplaces that serve as stunning focal points in modern living spaces. With a dedication to craftsmanship and sustainability, Heat & Glo transforms your vision into reality, ensuring that each fireplace not only meets but exceeds expectations in style, efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

Attention To Detail

Each Heat & Glo fireplace is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, leveraging local manufacturing practices that reflect their commitment to innovation and sustainability. By focusing on the unique preferences and needs of homeowners, Heat & Glo offers more than just fireplaces; they provide bespoke heating solutions that embody a lifestyle, ensuring every design is in harmony with the customer's living space and environmental values.


Heat & Glo fireplaces are backed by a commitment to quality and safety, ensuring each product meets high standards for your family's comfort and peace of mind. Their dedication to innovation and sustainability is reflected not only in the design and efficiency of their heating solutions but also in their support and warranty services, highlighting their promise of reliability and customer satisfaction.

Every Fuel Source

From a wide array of options including gas, wood, and electric fireplaces and inserts, to advanced technology like direct vent and IntelliFire app-controlled systems, Heat & Glo ensures there’s a tailored solution for every preference. Their extensive range caters to diverse needs, offering both aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency to enhance any living space.

Efficiency and Sustainability

Heat & Glo offers an array of heating solutions designed for efficiency and sustainability. Their lineup includes propane and natural gas fireplaces designed to reduce fuel consumption, and wood stoves that incorporate advanced technology to boost wood burning efficiency. This technology minimizes ash while maximizing heat output, ensuring cost-effective warmth. Heat & Glo combines innovative design with environmental responsibility, providing high-quality heating options that cater to both your comfort and budget.

Featured Work


You Got to See these Regency Before and Afters!

The Hardwells

Fireplace Replacement

Mission BC

The Hardwells

Wood Stove

Langley BC

The Hardwells

New Valor Fireplace


The Hardwells

New Regency Fireplaces


Strata XYZ

Annual Servicing of All units


The Hardwells

New Fireplace

Langley BC

Statment From The Owner

Why did we choose Heat & Glo? It was a no brainer!

"Every home has its distinct charm, and individual style preferences vary widely. Recognizing this, Heat & Glo's diverse range of fireplaces and heating solutions ensures a perfect fit for any requirement or aesthetic, regardless of the fuel source or specific goals. Their comprehensive lineup, emphasizing both versatility and the convenience of local manufacturing, allows us to meet the unique needs of our clients effortlessly. We appreciate the accessibility to such exceptional, locally-produced products, offering a solution for practically any homeowner."

Kim Schmidt / Owner

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