Sure Fire Fireplaces is Proud to Service

Pitt Meadows, nestled between the scenic Pitt River and the majestic mountains, seamlessly blends its rich natural environment with urban comforts. The city, steeped in Coast Salish heritage, has grown into a vibrant community where nature and modernity live in harmony. With its extensive parks and active community spaces, Pitt Meadows is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and cultural engagement, making it an inviting place for both residents and visitors in British Columbia, as reflected in its dedication to community and the natural surroundings.

Economically Adaptable

Pitt Meadows' economy thrives on a blend of agriculture, aviation, and small businesses, illustrating its adaptability and community focus. Its strategic location near major transportation routes and dedication to sustainable development bolster a strong, engaged workforce. Local enterprises, pivotal to the city's vitality, underscore Pitt Meadows' commitment to improving residents' lives through economic diversity and environmental stewardship, reflecting its unique position in the Metro Vancouver region for enhancing community well-being.

Local Events Shine

Pitt Meadows' community spirit shines brightly through its array of local events, recreational activities, and sustainability efforts. The city's engagement is evident in its diverse cultural events and environmental initiatives, fostering a sense of unity and commitment to green living. These activities not only bring residents together but also highlight Pitt Meadows' dedication to creating a vibrant and eco-conscious community life.

Enjoy Pitt Meadows

Pitt Meadows welcomes those who love community and the outdoors, offering breathtaking natural scenery and a friendly community. It prides itself on its historical roots and forward-thinking approach, harmoniously integrating nature into daily life and fostering strong community connections and environmental stewardship.

Why Sure Fire for Pitt Meadows?

Sure Fire Gas Fireplaces is deeply inspired by Pitt Meadows' stunning landscapes and the community's warmth. Driven by the area's beauty, we're motivated to provide comfort and warmth through our services. We aim to foster enduring relationships, enhancing Pitt Meadows' charm. Choosing us means joining a family committed to excellence, trust, and embodying the values that make Pitt Meadows unique.

Featured Work


Here are some of our buildings we do annual servicing for!

The Hardwells

Fireplace Replacement

Mission BC

The Hardwells

Wood Stove

Langley BC

The Hardwells

New Valor Fireplace


The Hardwells

New Regency Fireplaces


Strata XYZ

Annual Servicing of All units


The Hardwells

New Fireplace

Langley BC

Statment From The Owner

Proud to serve Pitt Meadows

"I'm privileged to serve the Pitt Meadows community. Our mission goes beyond heating homes; it's about creating unity and giving back to our beloved city. Thank you for letting us be a part of your story. Together, we're not only spreading warmth; we're forging stronger bonds in our remarkable city."

Kim Schmidt / Owner

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